Waste treatment Methods/Parameters (Metodos/parametros de los tratamientos de los desechos).

Examples of Biohazardous Waste | Daniels Health

There is a variety of treatment methods that depends of the type of waste.

  1. Pathology waste (human tissue specimens, organs, limbs, and contaminated animal carcasses, parts and specimen(s) is incinerated.
  2. Bio-hazardous waste, sharps and non-hazardous pharmaceutical waste is subjected to incineration, Stericycle’s Electro-Thermal-Deactivation (ETD) technology or other approved treatment technologies.
  3. Small scale biohazardous waste (blood samples, etc.), from laboratories that have no access to an autoclave is boxed for incineration and shipment off-site by Stericycle.
Stericycle waste treatment facilities operate in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws/regulations and maintain all required permits and licenses.
In accordance with MASSACHISETTS GENERAL LAWS: Minimum Requirements for the Management of Medical or Biological Waste State Sanitary Code, Chapter VIII), generators of medical or biological waste, shipped off-site for treatment, shall maintain a current record-keeping log. There is a Medical or Biological Waste Record-Keeping Log In the cold room in ISB where the waste is stored prior to pick up by Stericycle. This log is completed by a member of the EH&S staff at the time of waste pick-up. The record-keeping log for medical or biological waste shipped off-site for treatment shall specify:
  1. The exact date of each shipment;
  2. The total number of containers;
  3. The type of waste;
  4. The total combined weight or volume;
  5. The name of the transporter with transporter identification number
  6. The verification (via check box) of shipping papers generated with receipt of corresponding medical waste tracking forms for each shipment; and
  7. The printed name and signature of the person responsible for shipping the waste. The log remains in the waste area.
A copy of the Medical Waste Tracking Form from Stericycle is obtained at the same time, and this form is forwarded to Biological Safety Services at EH&S. These forms are redundant and are useful for auditing purposes. These records are maintained for 3 years.
(Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection., 2014)

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Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. (25 de 07 de 2014). Biological Materials and Biohazardous/Medical Waste Disposal Program. Recuperado el 14 de 05 de 2020, de https://ehs.umass.edu/sites/default/files/25%20Biological%20Waste%20Program_0.pdf

Publicado por colaboradores del blog 14 de Mayo del 2020.
